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“Today’s birth chart reading with Sam was: fascinating, accurate, resonated with me, and was very enlightening.  I found her style of communication friendly, warm, understanding, and open.  Sam is a good listener too with patience and useful guidance and feedback.  I would recommend this type of reading to gain clarity about one’s core character, personality, inner conflicts, and struggles.  It can give useful insight/reinforcement of one's talents and direction in life.  Overall, it was an intriguing experience and one I’d do again. Thank you, Sam."

-Delphine, Hangzhou, China

“Samantha has been a go-to astrologist for quite many laowai ladies here in Shanghai, and although I’ve never met her before our reading, I felt super comfortable; she provided a safe and warm space in an instant.  I asked for the detailed reading, and I’m more than content with what I got out of our session.  She especially focused on aspects of my chart that I asked her to and was quite detailed in her reading.  Astro lingo seems to be her second (if not first!) language, and it seemed like she/we could have spoken for much longer, but we both had time constraints. Looking forward to the next session!  I can’t recommend her enough!"

-Emma, Shanghai, CN

“I honestly had chills when I finally finished my birth chart reading!  The fact that you brought my internal thoughts/emotions/struggles to life on paper was beyond satisfying!  She truly lives up to her Rawstrologer name!  Raw and real but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. 

Thanks, girl!”

- Krystal, New York, USA

“Samantha’s reading was done with accuracy and precision, and despite being great friends for a long time, the professionalism was high.  If you want a reading that will blow your mind with how accurate it all is, then this is for you.  Everything from friendship, family and daily struggles were covered.”

- Aimée, Auckland, NZ

“I loved my reading.  It was accurate.  I really appreciate it.  She even addressed all of the topics I asked about.  And she even nailed the father aspect :) I'll definitely support her future work.”

-Ziyona, USA

“Samantha’s reading was very accurate.  She is insightful and professional, and I would highly recommend her.”

-Aysha, Shanghai, China

“I have literally just finished my reading! Oh my goodness, I cannot thank the Rawstrologer enough!  For starters, she is an absolute darling!!!  And secondly, she just got so much of me and I could not believe how much of what she was saying was so accurate.  It also helped me make sense of a few things too!  If you are interested, please please please book a reading!  I am so grateful that I did, and it was so much fun too!

- Georgina, Shanghai, China

“I have known Samantha for a very long time and know-how passionate she feels about Astrology.  She asked me which areas I had questions about and provided a reading based on that.  However, she even went beyond that scope and provided extra information that she thought would be useful. Overall, the reading was a very insightful and positive experience, and I would recommend getting a reading from Sam if you are curious or passionate about Astrology.”

-Marleen, Johannesburg, South Africa

“I’ve never been able to get my chart done, but with Sam’s services, I was able to make this dream a reality!  It was amazing being able to explore the traits that drive me as a human.  I definitely want to do it again because there’s soooo much information she gives you.”

- Micaela, Washington State, USA

“Thank you so much for doing this!! I am always hesitant to have any kind of reading done, but simultaneously always interested. I found this to be incredibly accurate and positive in the way it outlined my personality and how to overcome things. The line that stood out to me the most was ‘You’re an all or nothing person.’  While I had never thought of myself in this way before, it is 100% accurate. I do nothing in halves. It also helped to see that accepting my emotions and getting in touch with them will help guide my decisions. I have a tendency to be overly analytical.”

-Allison, USA

“Samantha’s reading was thorough and detailed.  She was very professional and prepared – but what really stood out to me was her ability to make these data points come alive in practical ways, with insight into how I can integrate them and balance my natural tendencies.  She is also validating, gentle, and caring in the way she communicates, with an emphasis towards encouraging confidence and growth.”

-Leah, Shanghai, China

“Sam the Rawstrologer is an amazing astrologer! She did such a professional job reading my natal chart, and it was totally spot on.  The complete descriptions and adjectives she used to describe me left me mindblown!  I was in awe about the many aspects of my life that were so accurate.  Sam was so professional, even answering some of my random questions following the reading using the natal chart to the best of her ability.  I highly recommend Sam the Rawstrologer!”

-Danielle, Shanghai, China

"I HIGHLY recommend a reading with Sam the Rawstrologer! I just had mine this weekend and she blew me away with her knowledge and insight. I’m new to this sort of thing, but she patiently and intuitively answered my every question as she dove deep into my chart.  As she covered my planetary alignments and interpreted how it might manifest in my life, it honestly overlapped with so many discussions I’ve had with my therapist!  Sam was willing to go down rabbit holes with me to help make further connections.  And the best part - she also provided me with actionable advice to help bring balance to my life according to my chart.  Such a positive experience!!! Thank you, Sam!"

- Kate, Shanghai, China

“I am not a very superstitious person, but I am curious about Samantha’s astrology reading.  So I decided to spend time with her and learn what she could see through my birth chart.  I appreciate that she put a lot of effort into preparing before our session.  She shows enormous knowledge about astrology reading and does not hesitate to share her knowledge.  She busts a lot of myths, too.  Then I realized there is so much insight from various aspects in life that can be interpreted and learned from: childhood relationships with parents, siblings relationships, approaching self-esteem, preferences, patterns, priorities, etc.  So thank you for being so friendly and straightforward and for all the advice.  I definitely learned a lot for the better self!

-Genie, Shanghai, China

“I read over my natal chart reading, word for word. I am almost forty years old now, and I recently became aware of my personality more deeply and preciously than before.  The Rawstrologer’s chart reading about me fits with my self-awareness to a great extent.  Furthermore, the natal chart explains the root cause of my every aspect.

It’s very helpful for me.”

- Yin Ji, Shanghai, China

“It was an amazing and incredible experience having Sam read my chart.  Strongly recommended!!  Sam has given me good insight into my life and gave me great guidance.  Her reading was so genuine.  Simple yet authentic!!  Thank you so much giving me an idea of who I am, and what I have missing.  I truly appreciated this wonderful session with Sam and can’t wait for the next one!"

- Mandy, Shanghai, China

“As someone who practices energy magic, I have had countless tarot, astrology, oracle and energy readings done.  None of which came close to the level of thoroughness and personalization that was present throughout your work.  You have a gift of diving deep into the influence the universe has on everyone from the moment of birth.  The entire process was professional and highly insightful.  Thank you for providing me guidance that I will forevermore use and reflect upon.  Cannot recommend you enough for natal chart readings.”

-Caitlynd Shanghai, China

“Samantha really took the time to prepare a reading based on my questions I had about myself to create an experience that felt really personal and lovingly prepared.  I felt very comfortable in a nonjudgmental space, and I learned so much more about my chart than I had doing research on my own.  Couldn’t recommend her higher for an empathic and intuitive reading!”

-Erica, Shanghai, China

“What an experience having my natal chart done by Samantha was.  It’s funny how things feel quite random, and you know things about yourself, but don’t necessarily pay attention to them.  Actually seeing how connected things were blew my mind away, and seeing very specific things about my personality and motivations laid out in black and white suddenly made so much sense.  What drives me, what triggers me, what I’m looking for in life, love and friendship.  These are all ideas that have floated around my head, but Samantha pulled them all together to make a sense of the jumble.  Thank you so much for your hard work and all the detail you put in.  I am truly honored to have had you do my reading."

- Alessia, Shanghai, China

“Your natal chart reading was spot on.  All of the information you provided resonated in some way, rather past or present.  This reading helped me better understand myself.  It was like things “clicked” or made sense once you broke it down and explained things to me.  You’re so professional and down to earth.  You made me comfortable which gave me the confidence to be open and provide examples/details to make the reading more meaningful.  Thanks for your hard work, time and dedication!!!”

-Free, Shanghai, China

“I feel like I can relate to most of my natal chart reading if not all.   It sounds like me to a tee almost.  I had one done about a month ago, and Sam mentions a lot of the same things, (which for me was great, because as she wrote I am into spiritual things but I like tangible elements - so I feel that both reports show many similarities, which feels like confirmation.) What I really like is whilst it’s factual, it’s written very positively! There were also new things I hadn’t heard of before!  I’m very happy with my natal chart reading. Thank you so much.” 

- Dani, Hangzhou, China

“I am an atheist and non-believer in cosmic effects on stars on human life, but when I heard that a fellow vegan is a practitioner, I got intensely curious.  The experience of my session with Samantha was eye opening and fascinating.  There were tiny details about my nature and personality that her reading revealed that I thought was known only to me.  I understood a lot about 'who I am' in this session and also was reassuring that my current direction towards self-improvement was aligned with what the chart showed I was meant to be.  I have met many astrologers before, and I did sessions only for the sake of ridiculing the art and the 'science' of it.  After meeting Samantha, I can definitely say only a handful of people are naturally good at this powerful skill. She was genuinely empathetic and gave me space to interpret the results. She was very comforting and I felt she appreciated me as a person. She was sincere in her curiosity of me and also was humble about things she was yet to get better grasp on.   I left feeling empowered that I was expressing the real me. And the stars agree.”

- Eve, Shanghai, China

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