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Mars Abandoning: Neptune Square Natal Mars Transit

I want to talk about this typically quite difficult transit. Not everyone will experience Neptune squaring their natal Mars, even if they live a full life.


Taking action isn't what it used to be. You find yourself stuck with varying degrees of anxiety when it comes to facing situations that have potential to turn hostile, and ones that seem to promise your disappointment. What seem like strikingly unexpected events that emerge from what feel like the deepest depths of hell would outright cease your progress. You're probably halting your own forward movement as well. You could make promises that you won't want to keep or dedicate yourself to tasks that offer you no interest, that may even feel deeply painful to complete, leading to ultimate abandonment of activities. Masculine energy is subdued, within yourself and in your interactions with others. You no longer know how to assert.

While journeying through this transit, you'll likely watch your confidence dissipate rapidly into thin air. Loved ones may try to guide you toward remembering who you are and what you're capable of through offerings of solid attention and advice, but you'll eventually realize that it can't be done. This transit requires that you be your own superhero. It asks you to see that your actions, your ego, your work doesn't equal who you are. It also calls you to look at the ways in which you uphold and defend yourself. All the forced practice in balancing empathy and aggressiveness would be enough to take with you back into the familiar world once it reemerges.

This piece has absolutely nothing to do with Ms. Myoui Mina. I simply find her to be an apropos visual for the topic. To me, she has Neptunian/Pisces facial features, and her sun is in Mars-ruled Aries.

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