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I have been studying and practicing astrology since 2009.  What began as mild intrigue and a tool to better understand the inner workings of my romantic partnership gradually turned into true love and an almost intuitive skill set.  In 2021, at approximately one-third of the journey into Pluto transiting opposite my Midheaven, a particular series of memorably fateful events had occurred, and I stepped into my role as the Rawstrolger. 


When I’m not reading charts for clients or working toward my diploma through the Holistic Astrology School, I analyze the natal charts of Korean pop idols.  I am captivated and awestruck by the effervescent, intoxicating and shadowy existence of Kpop, and observing it through an astrological lens brings me pure joy.  My analyses are on the Rawstrology BlogYoutube, Instagram and TikTok, available for all to view.  


As is with anything, I will never see a day alive in which I am not a student of astrology.

Welcome! I’m Samantha Tralli, a natal chart astrologer and teacher.

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My astrological practice is raw and unrefined.  It’s served like fruit in its ripest, most wholesome form: deeply nourishing, perfectly digestible, and inclined to show you where obstructions may lie.   It’s designed to serve your soul.  Nothing in your natal chart can be simply defined as being bad/good.  Every single chart is made up of indicators for energy that flows, as well as points of tension that ultimately need to be worked out.  During a reading, I address how both types of energy present themselves in your unique natal chart. 


I don’t sugar coat readings, and when it comes to those uncomfortable points, I don’t hide them from you.  Doing so would serve nothing but your ego, and would not aid you in your soul’s journey.  It is my duty to point out and to provide you with actionable insight and guidance as to how to work out those points of tension.  


Live readings with me often end up as conversations.  You can expect that I won’t be simply talking at you for one and a half hours while you’re being fed non-stop information.  You can feel free and comfortable to ask questions, and to share your thoughts and opinions throughout the session.  One of my favorite feelings is the one I get from having addressed a point in a natal chart, followed by the chart holder sharing with me the real-life instance in which it plays/has played out in their life.  Moments when that occurs never fail to make me feel divinely content, and somehow simultaneously awestruck.

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